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Business Trip, Travel, Everyday life, Carry It Anywhere, Anytime. Travel Guitar MOGABI launches on Kickstarter

Foldable travel guitar, Mogabi launched on the biggest worldwide crowdfunding platform, Kickstarter. Mogabi is a super portable guitar that you can carry for your business trip, travel, and daily life, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. Mogabi was designed as a stable guitar as well. Mogabi designers have upgraded the structure to be locked properly when folded and unfolded. You can fold and unfold the Mogabi’s body using the hinge at the bottom and lock it by pressing it. Rest frames enable stable playing posture, and you can attach them to the body using the grooves. Make sure that the rest frames’ curved horn-shaped…

3 Things You Need to Protect in Your Life

There are many things you will need to protect as you go through life. From your own security to the security of those around you you care about, make sure things are secure. Unfortunately, too many individuals lose sight of securing their worlds. As a result, crimes can take place that change the lives of some people for a long time to come. So, what do you need to do a better job of protecting in your life? Is Identity Theft on Your Radar? In looking at the areas of your life where you need to focus a little more,…

Saving Money Isn’t as Difficult as You Might Think

It doesn’t matter where you happen to be on your personal financial journey, you still need to know that anyone can turn their finances around. You just need to take that first step headed in the right direction. However, as with a lot of other things, at times, that first step is just the hardest one to take. Here’s a quick look at a few things that might help you on your way to saving a bit of money in ways that aren’t too difficult. Car Insurance It’s a fact of life that vehicle ownership means that you need to…

3 Creative Ways to Fund Your Next Trip

When it comes to living our dreams, many have plans for traveling. However, making those plans a reality usually stops at the thought of funding. Many have the false assumption that traveling is a luxury that only the rich can afford. The truth is that any person can afford to travel on any sized budget as long as they choose to make traveling their reality. Let’s look at some creative ways you can finance your next trip. The first tip we have for you when it comes to funding your next trip is to set a goal for your budget.…

The Types Of Insurance You Need As An Adult

Playing your role in the adult world is an incredibly difficult experience for a lot of people. Young people have even gone so far as to coin the term for taking part in adult responsibilities as simply “Adulting”. It is a cliche almost at this point to talk about how difficult life is when you are “adulting”, but it is still worth mentioning some of the things that you are going to have to look out for when you get to this stage in life. Today, we want to take a look in particular at the type of financial coverages…

Most Personal Injury Lawsuits in Oakland California are Filed for These Reasons

When you are injured by someone and the circumstances might mean that you are in a position to make a personal injury lawsuit, you need to engage a passionate and skilled attorney to represent you in the case.  You must also locate an attorney to litigate your case in the state in which your case is filed. For instance if your personal injury case in filed in the city of Oakland, California, you should hire a reputable Oakland injury lawyer. Personal injury lawsuits cover a broad range of instances where someone’s carelessness, negligence or intentional act causes harm to another.…

Four top things to see and do in Ooty India

Image by @superdyz123 Situated above 7,000 feet in the mountains of Southern India, the hill station of Ooty has drawn locals, colonial authorities, and travelers for generations. The climate and landscape here is a world away from the tropical lowlands, with plenty of lakes and temperate plants which is an 180 from what you’ll find elsewhere in South Asia. Below, we’ll talk about four of the top things to see and do in Ooty. 1) Take a ride on the Nilgiri Mountain Railway After spending your first night at one of the better hotels in Ooty, make arrangements to go…

Awesome Places For a UK Break

The United Kingdom’s tourism levels have rocketed in recent years as more and more people look to take a vacation on their own doorstep. Weekend breaks in particular have seen huge rises in the last 3 years alone and recent surveys from many holiday companies have shown that far more Brits would prefer to spend their money exploring their own country than heading off to other European hotspots. There are many reasons for this shift in allegiance and whilst heading off to a foreign land is still the most popular option for tourists, it is nice to see that Brits…

Avoid Going Down the Criminal Path

When you take a moment to look at your life, are you happy with what you see? For millions of people, the wrong move here or there could change their lives forever. This oftentimes ends up being in the wrong place at the wrong time. For instance, have you ever missed by seconds being in a fatal vehicle accident? What about missing out when something heavy came crashing to the ground? Have you come close to falling to your death? Those scenarios and others will be questions countless individuals can answer yes to. One scenario you do have much more…

Top 5 Romantic Activities in Paris

Paris really is the perfect getaway for lovers whether young couples, newly weds or octogenarians who have been together for years. Very often, cities like Paris get tagged with a certain theme or stereotype and more often than not, you arrive and it is very different from what it’s reputation would suggest. The notion that Paris is the city of love however, is absolutely on the money and just walking around the city, you can feel something different in the air. If you want a romantic getaway with your partner then look no further than the French capital, and here…