Asia Spotlight: China!

The Forbidden City is one of the top attractions in China ... Photo by CC user 17155762@N00 on FlickrPhoto by CC user 17155762@N00 on Flickr

While there are many places you can go on holiday in Asia, there’s no question that China is the 800-pound panda in the room when it comes to destinations in this part of the world.

From the frigid winter festivals of Harbin, to the subtropical karst landscapes of Guilin, there are many experiences that one can have in this essential nation in East Asia.

If you are going on your China holiday soon, we have taken the liberty to suggest an itinerary that will help with planning your travels around this massive country.

Check it out below…


Begin your grand tour of China by starting off in Beijing. Serving at the capital of this country and of what used to be the center of its empire for countless generations, there is a wealth of historical and cultural attractions that are just waiting to be discovered here.

The most significant of these is the Forbidden City, which served as the Imperial Palace from the Ming to Qing Dynasties, spanning 500 years from the 15th century up until 1912.

The architecture of this complex is amazing enough on its own, but the collections of priceless vases, artwork, and jade jewelry combine to make this place one that simply cannot be missed.

While you could see the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven if you are into cultural attractions, another site that cannot be neglected while in the Beijing area is none other than the Great Wall of China.

There may be segments of this massive structure strewn throughout the country, but no piece of it is as close to a major populated area as it is in Beijing. Be sure to arrive at the wall early in the day to avoid having your experience here ruined by throngs of tourists.


The focus in Beijing may be on the cultural and historic; however, many sites of interest in Shanghai are much more recent in their origin.

From the European feel of buildings found in The Bund, to the futuristic skyline of the downtown core (which is punctuated by the iconic Pearl Tower), fans of architecture will be at home in this fast-moving metropolis.

If the noise and chaos of this city become too much, duck into the Yuyuan Gardens. Replete with many pagodas, peaceful water features, and expertly pruned bushes, this is the perfect place to recharge your spirit before braving the crowded sidewalks of downtown Shanghai once more.


When you head into China’s subtropical south, make sure to pay a visit to the city of Guilin. Famous for the many limestone karsts that stud its countryside, one of the most popular activities to undertake here is to go on a boat tour along the Li River.

The landscape present here is unlike any other in China, making this destination a must for couples seeking a place with romantic atmosphere.

Before leaving for your next destination, be sure to also pay a visit to the Sun and Moon Temples, as their multi-tiered pagodas are some of the most famous buildings that can be found in all of China.