Browsing CategoryHealth and Fitness

Breast Augmentation, Why I Did And Why I Won’t Regret It

Last year I took a decision which I had been thinking about for some time, to finally go in and have my breasts operated on, ini order to increase their size. I first had a consultation at the Naidu Plastic Surgery around 5 years ago, but simply wasn’t prepared to make the commitment. Breast augmentation surgery is fairly common these days with thousands of women all over the world looking at this as a viable option in terms of improving their bodies. I wanted to talk to you today a little bit about why I decided on this surgery, how…

Everything That You Wanted to Know About Breast Augmentation

If you have been thinking about or looking into the possibility of undergoing breast augmentation surgery, it is of course important that you first understand everything about it. I underwent this surgery just last year after thinking long and hard about the decision for almost 18 months. As it turned out, I was absolutely over the moon with my procedure and the results and it has left me feeling far more confident and much happier in myself. The breast augmentation OC offers, at least in terms of options, is incredible and it can be difficult to pick the right clinic,…

Make Your Travels as Pain-Free as Possible

If you have notable travel plans for 2017, will they be as healthy and happy as possible? For many people wishing to travel, one or more things oftentimes will hold them back. In some cases, the main issue in play is money. As much as some would love to travel, their finances either make it difficult or altogether impossible to get away on a nice trip. For others, meantime, the roadblock can be their health. In the event you are one of those individuals dealing with health problems, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wipe away those travel desires.…