Browsing CategoryTravel Tips

The Best Way to Spend a Memorable 36 Hours in Glasgow

Glasgow is known for a lot of things, but tourism and education are on the very top of that list. Whether you are the reserved tourist who is interested in the scenic views or the music enthusiast who wants to listen to various genre of music, Glasgow has got you covered. If you are planning a 3 day getaway that would both exciting and leisurely, you have to come to Glasgow. Below are some things you can do to have a memorable holiday. GO SOLO Take a relaxing stroll down the Kelvin River. This picturesque route leads you to the…

Protect yourself from liability while driving!

Have you ever been subjected to a road rage incident or involved in an accident that was not your fault? If your response to either of these questions is no, potentially you could be in the future. Therefore, investing in some modern technology in the form of a camera in your car could accurately record any incidents you may experience and give you peace of mind. There are other rationales that make fitting a camera in your car beneficial, for instance it may significantly reduce the amount of car insurance you usually have to pay and it can provide irrefutable,…

Asian Cuisine’s Imprint on San Francisco’s Culinary History

(Image Credit: Z & Y Restaurant) From the Gold Rush to today, San Francisco could claim to be the Asian cuisine capital of the United States. The coastal location and boom industries attracted immigrants including Asians. This contributes to the cosmopolitan history and cuisine that attracts culinary tourists to San Francisco. Gold Rush Immigration Leads to America’s First Chinatown The Asian imprint on San Francisco cuisine starts with the Chinese. Due to the coastal location and proximity to boom industries like gold prospecting, San Francisco attracted Chinese immigrants. Many came to work building the railroad network connecting California and Utah.…

Choosing a good pair of sunglasses for travel

When hitting the trail, there are many things that will make your trip easier. In our mind, sunglasses are one of the most important accessories a traveler can bring, as the sun can be very strong in many popular tropical destinations. Even in temperate climates, the UV rays that the sun gives off can seriously harm your eyes over years of exposure. Protecting your sight by using sunglasses is crucial, whether you are on vacation or at home. We also realize that you want to be the coolest dude/gal on the beach. In this article, we’ll talk about how to…

Single parents: how to travel safely with kids in tow

For many of us, travelling alone is a challenge in itself – what more for single parents who want to bring their tots along with them during a holiday break or a weekend getaway? It’s no surprise that single parents get the short end of travel package deals. Travel companies focus on two adults who pay for two more than a single parent. The lack of options shouldn’t deter you because it’s definitely doable – and downright enjoyable to travel with your kid/s in tow! Here are some travel safety tips to remember so you can focus on the fun…

Best UK Spots For a Cottage Break

Somewhat surprisingly, each year there are less and less Brits who are taking vacations in Britain itself and preferring to take their vacation time in foreign lands. Tourism numbers did peak somewhat shortly after the financial crisis of 2008 as many were watching their pennies but things have since returned to normal. This is surprising because of the sheer beauty which many Brits can find on their own doorstep and by far and away the best way to see it is with a cottage stay in the UK. If you’d like to take a vacation in your own front yard…

What to Look For In a Singles Vacation

Travel brochures and online travel sites seem to always be showing is images of perfect destinations with couples and families at the heart of the image. For many of us however, this is not what we are after and there are many of us singletons in the World who just want to enjoy a great vacation. There is also a common misconception that just because we are single, that we are actively looking for love, that is not the case for many of us and mostly we just want a relaxing break, perhaps a stranger or two to have a chat…

Make Your Road Trips as Safe as Possible

If you’re one of those individuals who love to get out on the road, are you keeping safety in mind each time? Whether your trips will be weekend getaways or crisscrossing the nation for a week or more, be safe. That means making sure your vehicle of choice is as safe as can be. Also practice safe driving habits of your own behind the wheel. From vehicle maintenance to safety technology, make sure you are covered. Is Your Vehicle Safe Enough? So that your vehicle and you are as safe as can be before you venture out, remember these tips:…

What Are The Perks of Life as a Digital Nomad

The phrase digital nomad seems to get thrown around an awful lot these days as more and more people seek to make a living online. The idea of having a location-independent career isn’t new, businessmen and women have been running companies from their phones and fax machines for years, what the internet has done however, is to make the location-independent lifestyle, or indeed, digital nomad lifestyle, far more accessible to a wider range of people. Digital nomadism isn’t just about being able to make an income from the internet, whilst that is a key part in what being a digital nomad…

3 Tips for RV Travel Safety

  If you’re someone who loves to travel nationwide in your RV, you are among countless people with a similar lifestyle. Getting behind the wheel of your RV can be one of the more exhilarating drives you take in life, allowing you to see much of what the U.S. and the rest of North America for that matter have to offer. That said doing so with a high emphasis on safety should always be your top priority. Given that RV’s are much more to handle than a regular vehicle, it is important that you consider what you’re driving when it…