Getting Prepared for Your Big Move

Moving your home or apartment demands preparation and an understanding of the necessary processes that create successful move. For those who don’t prepare well, moving can be an overwhelming experience. You can lose many of your valuables, or damage them, and what should be a very organized well timed out event, can become disorganized and very time consuming. With this in mind, here are some tips to help you have a very orderly and efficient move.

Hire a Reputable Moving company

Moving companies are experts at getting your stuff from one place to another safely and intact. They take the burden of not only physically moving your furniture and other items, but also the liability associated with moving heavy furniture, TVs, washing machines beds and other heavy or bulky items up and down stairs and into and out of moving vans. The reputable ones have insurance that covers lost or damaged items, and their movers understand how to move unwieldy items in and out of small or space-challenged places.

When you look to hire company make sure that they have a good track record for doing moves like yours, they have the necessary insurance to cover themselves, the move and your items, and that they are gentle with your belongings and sensitive to your needs. A moving company that fits this criteria will make your moving day simple.

Make an Inventory of Your Possessions

Before your moving day, make an inventory of all of your possessions. You should do this in writing and not leave anything out.  If your movers are hired to pack your belongings they will also provide you with a detail list of items they are moving. You should check this list and compare it to your own to make sure that they are consistent.

Make sure that everything on your list gets loaded into the moving vans, and that each item ends up at the final location. In the event that something is lost or broken, you can immediately alert the moving company. If you wait too long after the move, you run the risk of being told that you’re missing or broken item was not as a result of the move.

Personally Handle Your Very Valuable Items

You should personally move any valuables. These would include jewelry, watches, collectibles, expensive glass or crystal items, artwork, and anything else that has a high value. Making sure that you have these items in your possession eliminates any potential for their disappearing during the move.

Be On-Site When the Move Happens

It is surprising how many people are not on site on moving day. Instead they entrust the movers to handle the job on their own. This is a really bad decision because if anything goes wrong, you cannot be 100% certain that what you’re being told is actually what occurred.

When you move, make sure that responsible member of your family or you is at the move during the entire time. Ideally there should be one person from your old residence and one person at your new residence so that the entire process can be monitored.

Moving can be a time intensive difficult and tiring process, but with the right preparation and a positive attitude you can get through it fine. Hire a good moving company and do the things listed in this article and before you know it you will be happily in your new residence.